Outside Activities for Toddlers in Winter: Keeping Little Ones Active and Engaged


Hey readers! Wintertime can be a challenging time to keep toddlers entertained and active, especially when they’re stuck indoors. But don’t fret, there are plenty of fun outside activities that you can enjoy with your little ones even when the weather is cold. In this article, we’ll share some creative and engaging outdoor activities that will keep your toddlers moving, exploring, and having a blast in the winter months. So, bundle up and let’s get started!

Snow Play

Snowball Throwing

A winter classic, snowball throwing is a fun and active way to enjoy the snow. Make sure to supervise your toddler and teach them to throw gently. You can also create targets or obstacles to add some extra fun to the activity.

Snowball Painting

Add a touch of creativity to snow play by providing your toddler with food coloring and spray bottles. They can use the colored snow to paint designs or create their own winter masterpieces on the ground.

Ice Activities

Ice Skating

If your toddler is steady on their feet, ice skating is a great way to burn off some energy. Many local parks and recreation centers offer free or low-cost ice skating sessions, so check your community listings.

Ice Sculpting

For a more creative activity, try ice sculpting. Freeze water in various shapes and sizes, then let your toddler use their imaginations to transform them into animals, castles, or anything else they can think of.

Nature Exploration

Winter Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt with winter-themed items, such as pine cones, acorns, or animal tracks. Encourage your toddler to search for and identify the items on the list.

Nature Walk

Take a leisurely walk through a local park or nature area. Observe the changes in nature during winter and discuss the different plants and animals that can be seen.

Sensory Play

Snow Sensory Bin

Fill a bin with snow and add various objects such as toys, spoons, cups, and natural materials. Let your toddler explore the snow with their senses, touch, and taste (if supervised).

Ice Sensory Play

Freeze water in ice cube trays with small toys or objects inside. Provide your toddler with warm water and tools to melt the ice and discover the hidden treasures.

Outdoor Art

Snow Painting

Use spray bottles filled with water to create temporary artwork on the snow. Your toddler can draw, paint, or write anything they like before the snow melts away.

Snow Sculpting

Provide your toddler with a variety of snow molds or cookie cutters and let them create their own snow sculptures. They can build snowmen, animals, or any other creations their imaginations inspire.


Winter doesn’t have to mean being cooped up indoors. With these outside activities, you can keep your toddlers active, entertained, and engaged all season long. Remember to dress warmly and supervise your little ones at all times. If you enjoyed these ideas, be sure to check out our other articles for more inspiration on winter fun with toddlers. So, grab your coats, hats, and gloves, and head outdoors for some wintery adventures!

FAQ about Outside Activities for Toddlers Winter

How do I dress my toddler for outdoor winter activities?

  • Layer clothing in warm, breathable fabrics like fleece or wool.
  • Cover their head, neck, hands, and feet with hats, scarves, gloves, and insulated boots.

What are some fun outdoor winter activities for toddlers?

  • Go for a walk or hike on a snowy trail.
  • Build a snowman or snow fort.
  • Sled or ski down a gentle hill.
  • Play in the snow with toys like shovels or snowballs.

How long can my toddler stay outside in the winter?

  • Typically, toddlers can stay outside for 15-30 minutes at a time when the temperature is between 30°F and 50°F. However, always monitor your child for signs of cold or discomfort.

What should I do if my toddler gets cold or wet?

  • Bring them inside immediately and remove wet clothing.
  • Warm them up with a warm bath, hot drink, or body heat.
  • Change into dry, warm clothes to prevent hypothermia.

How can I make snow play fun for my toddler?

  • Provide toys like shovels, buckets, and molds to help them build and shape the snow.
  • Hide objects in the snow for them to find.
  • Make snow angels or footprints by laying down in the snow.

What are some indoor alternatives to outdoor winter activities?

  • Set up an indoor obstacle course with pillows, blankets, and chairs.
  • Play active games like tag or hide-and-seek.
  • Build a fort with blankets and pillows.
  • Do arts and crafts activities like painting or drawing.

How can I protect my toddler’s skin from the cold and wind?

  • Apply a thick layer of moisturizer to their face and hands before going outside.
  • Cover their exposed skin with warm clothing.
  • Use a lip balm with SPF to protect their lips.

What should I look for when choosing outdoor winter gear for my toddler?

  • Choose warm and waterproof clothing made from high-quality materials.
  • Make sure boots have good traction to prevent slipping.
  • Select gloves that fit well and are easy for your toddler to put on and take off.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when taking my toddler outside in the winter?

  • Always supervise your child while playing outdoors.
  • Check the weather forecast before going outside and dress appropriately.
  • Take breaks to warm up if needed.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of frostbite or hypothermia, such as shivering, pale skin, or confusion.
